Monday, December 6, 2010

Strakhov Hits The Trenches!

Hy Everybody!

It's December and at Saturday was the local Games Day... The first Games Day where I've been...
And there was a painting cometition... The Golden Gobbo (we are a small country... so we only have a Gobbo instead of a Daemon...).
And my Strakhov won in the Amateur Fantasy Hero category. :D
I'm really happy, and proud.
Let the pictures talk! Enjoy!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

More green metal...

The 2 Ripjaws was painted totally by me, the outhers are just modified by me. I think that this is now a really green metal, and IMHO it looks good on these minis. :)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Ghost Rider... and dismount...

This is Darragh Wrathe, from Warmachine, faction: Cryx. Turned out really good IMHO, and I already have comissions, to paint Cryxian 'jacks with that green metallic color. :)

Big rotting zombie...

A Bloat Thrall from Warmachine... well... it's... ugly. :) So it turned out as it should. :D

The Officer and the Standard bearer of the blue-skirted ghosts...

The same as in August... but now much less in number... :)

Red Predator

This (for those who does not know) is a Space Marines' Predator Annihilator.
I think it turned out a bit 'eavy metal style.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Blue-skirted, bloody axe wielding, evil ghosts of vengeance...

These were also comission work. The miniatures are Bane Thralls for the game of Privateer Press, Warmachine.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Rotting zombies...

Bile Thralls for Privateer Press' game: Warmachine. This was also a comission work. But I really liked it, it was a challenge... and trned out good:P.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Clowns in the morning...

Some TTQ stuff, comission work, the miniatures belong to Taban Miniatures' game, EDEN.

Thursday, July 1, 2010


A game table where most of the scenery is made by me, the barrels, the boxes, and the structural iron pieces (the orange-ish stuff in the middle) are made by my friend in the club, the containers are from AT-43.
This is a kind of terrain that I prefer (along with jungles and swamps), a post apocalyptic area, maybe a part of a desolate, raveged, war-torn city. And it reminds me somehow to Fallout: Tactics.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Aquila Guard

Aquila Guard heavy infantry from the game Infinity. Sorry for the blurry pics:S.

My Spriggan, Heavy Warjack from the game Warmachine. The base is not done yet... but I'm too lazy at these days... I'll post pics when the base is done :)