Sunday, October 9, 2011

Hi People!

It's been a while since my last post... And I still don't have new pics to upload, nor have time to paint because I'm studying again, so the "factory" closed it's doors for a bit of time.

But I'll post some older pics if I find some! ;)

Monday, July 11, 2011

Fantasy football team... well... at least a half one :P

Hi all!

Here are the "hop-goblins" of a chaos dwarf team with a minotaur. The minotaur has magnetized hands, and was higlighted with airbrush, by a good friend of mine. Than I've had a lot of work to make the metals rusty, and oxidyzed.

Ariadna team

Hi all!

This is some Ariadna. :P They are painted on a TTQ level, and nothing higher. :D

PanOceania team

Hi all!

These are some PanO minis from Infnity, they turned out to be nothing more than TTQ.
Enjoy the pics! :)

Northern Beast

Hi all!

It's been a while, so here are some pics.
This is a Scythean warbeast from Hordes. Nice stuff... but eats a whole lot of putty. :S...

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Something from the dark... or: even more green metal :P!

Hi all!

These are two Stalker Bonejacks from Warmachine. They have received a new way of painting that green glow in which the final highlight of the green is not a neon yellow, instead a mix of Livery green and Dead white (both are VGC), approximately 1:1.
I hope you all like it. Next time something different shall come. >:)

An ancient Hero...

Hi all!

Some stuff that I've almost forgot to upload, until now... This is a Blood Angel, Death Company, Dreadnought.
With an airbrush it was primered with a really dark grey and NOT black, and it also received some small conversions on the shoulder panels. A few days after the photos have being made it received a bit more edge highlighting on the "black" parts, but minutes after it's owner came... and I didn't had my camera with me. -.-"
Enjoy the pics! :)

Saturday, April 2, 2011

To be, or not to be... Anathematic...

Hi all!

This is an Anathematic, from Corvus Belli's game, Infinity. It was a comission work, the model is very good, so I decided that it needs some extra. That's why I have sacrificed a poor Fusilier hacker. The torso of the hacker is under the foot of the Anathematic, and it's head is in the left hand on the letter.
From some sides it was a pain in the ass to paint the model, for example the artificial muscles... The mini has many of these muscles, and they look good... but... Drybrushing does not make them look proper, and I don't wanted to paint them one bye one, so I used a wash, and some very careful drybrushing.