Saturday, April 2, 2011

To be, or not to be... Anathematic...

Hi all!

This is an Anathematic, from Corvus Belli's game, Infinity. It was a comission work, the model is very good, so I decided that it needs some extra. That's why I have sacrificed a poor Fusilier hacker. The torso of the hacker is under the foot of the Anathematic, and it's head is in the left hand on the letter.
From some sides it was a pain in the ass to paint the model, for example the artificial muscles... The mini has many of these muscles, and they look good... but... Drybrushing does not make them look proper, and I don't wanted to paint them one bye one, so I used a wash, and some very careful drybrushing.

Exemplar Cinerators

Hi all!

Well... some late updates from March. The painting was the same as the Avatar of Menoth, except for that, on these models the purple was replaced with blue. The blue is VGC Imperial blue, highlighted with GW Enchanted blue and some final highlight are done with a touch of GW Ice blue.
One thing I have to say, that these models are easier to assemble, 'cause they are made of resin instead of metal, so no pinning was necessary, just deflash, and assemble. But, bacause of unknown reasons, my friend had a hard time to get a nice even coverege of Vallejo airbrush primer to the models, and also with the Bonewhite. -.-"